View Profile RealTin3Sn
Just call me Tin3Sn.
Contact me at RealTin3Sn@protonmail.com

Age 18, Male

Joined on 8/18/24

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2024's upcoming Christmas Album

Posted by RealTin3Sn - 2 hours ago

I've been working on this for some time now, but I think now is the time to share it. It's my first real hype-post and I hope it turns out okay:

This year is going to see my first Christmas album ever released to the public!!

Background: I love Christmas. I always have. It's quite literally my favorite time of year and has been for a long time. Without giving too many details away that are better suited for an essay, I've given myself early Christmas fun of sorts by writing my own Christmas albums. They almost exclusively consist of existing Christmas songs redone in my style, and although they all sound very different, there is one thing that binds all of them together, as does it unify my original music. Those of you who can listen carefully to a song might be able to figure out what it is.

I made two Christmas albums before this, one in 2022 and one in 2023. I always started during the Summer, and it gave me a good excuse to do Christmas in July in addition to honing my musical reasoning abilities and giving me something to beat the heat. They've never been shared with anyone in full outside of my family as of when I wrote this and I'm fine with this. I don't plan on distributing them for another few years, at least not until I am established. I need them to be interpreted in context of my later work for them to really take effect.

My 2024 one should give a good sense of what I'm aiming for as a sound even though it is far from done changing. So here's the thing: The album has been underway largely since January, and given the amount of time that it until September of this year, I've tried to make it filled to the brim with great music. Not a single song is filler: I picked a diverse selection of Christmas songs, put as much artistry as I could into each, and arranged all the tracks deliberately so as to constitute the best story possible. I don't expect everyone to enjoy all moments of the album, but I think there is something for a lot of different kinds of people in it.

So what exactly could you expect? Well:

  • A Christmas staple remade in a style perfect for Newgrounds submission. As in, tailor-made for the site.
  • Pop Christmas music becoming a pocket symphony
  • Dark Winter nights becoming snowy Winter mornings
  • A religious carol with lyrics given a far more emotional treatment that it really deserves.
  • Plenty of varied Christmas/Winter imagery.

Among other things.

I don't promise that this is what you will think of my Christmas album. I cannot read your mind and don't want to. But what I can promise is that what I think of my music is represented in this post and that this album will be released by November 1st, just in time for everyone's Christmas festivities to kick off. When I promise this release date, I mean it. I hold myself to strong standards regarding this, and I meet those standards.

I ask that everyone who reads this (especially you AM-ZYNK and Solacitude, my good friends) spread the word as much as possible. It would mean a lot to me. In the mean time, have the best of Halloweens before Christmas!





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