View Profile RealTin3Sn
Just call me Tin3Sn.
Contact me at RealTin3Sn@protonmail.com

Age 18, Male

Joined on 8/18/24

Exp Points:
150 / 180
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.89 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

RealTin3Sn's News

Posted by RealTin3Sn - 12 days ago

Huge news.

I just got friended from none other than audio portal moderator and personal musical giant Troisnyx. It is such an honour to know that a person whose music I can deeply connect with feels that I would be a good friend to them. Seeing the news almost made my heart jump out of my chest.

This opens a lot of doors for me, musically and otherwise. And I want to take this opportunity to thank both Troisnyx and any one of you who have listened to any of my songs and reviewed them. You all have been very nice to me in these past few weeks and your efforts are warmly thanked.

I've got big things coming in the next two months. I think you will enjoy them a lot.



Posted by RealTin3Sn - 2 weeks ago

Okay kouhais (friends or pals in Japanese):

I just reached level 3 and noticed that compared to my reviews of other people's, my own submissions are very lacking. I only have two songs and some news posts and I must change that.

If I were to upload some audio to the portal, would you guys want compositions I already made before joining Newgrounds, where there are several of these, or some original material, which I can do but might take a lot of time? Anyone who has heard my music (or for that matter anyone else), feel free to respond.

If they have the time, I really would like to hear from Troisnyx (who seems to know what she is doing with music and is a composer I like a lot), Solacitude (who has been nothing but nice to me about music and my thoughts on his compositions), and AM-ZYNK (my only fan as of right now).

I hope to see you guys with a new song soon.



Posted by RealTin3Sn - 1 month ago

Sad news.

The oldest person in the world, Maria Branyas Morera, passed on yesterday morning aged 117. Her passing was confirmed by several sources including Guinness World Records and a tweet on her official account. She had apparently left the world as she wished, peacefully and pain-free.

As someone who enjoys reading inspiring stories about old people like Maria-san, this news devastated me. I had followed her journey ever since she was recognized as the oldest in the world, and judging by her recent photos, she seemed to be very strong for someone her age. She inspired many people to have a positive view of the world and see the elderly in a new light, bringing lots of valuable advice to people even 8+ decades younger than her.

I genuinely expected her to live several years longer given her overall condition, but as I have learned, these supercentenarians, as they are called (people who are 110+), are treasures of the world. Like any of us, their time here is limited. All of this is to say that I am grateful she lived her final years with as much to share as she did and that she passed away without suffering.

RIP Maria Branyas Morera: 4.3.1907-17.08.2024.

Posted by RealTin3Sn - 1 month ago

Hey-ya everyone! Here's a little bit about me now that I just joined:

* I love Japanese culture! Not just anime, but all of it. I'm even learning the language!

* I have many years of experience writing music ever since I was just 10. That was a long time ago, so I'm now old~

* Beyond writing music, I love reviewing it and I developed my own system. But that is for another time.

Overall, I'm very excited to be here! :)
