View Profile RealTin3Sn

29 Audio Reviews

18 w/ Responses

Reviewed just on time! :D

This is very exotic music you've made. The drum beat is very catchy and I like the melody you have here. It sounds very different from Western music.

The music makes me think of being in a desert city in India, and I did indeed enjoy your song a lot. Keep up the great work!



This is the most classical-sounding of all the pieces I have heard from you. It has the feel of a Mozart or other classical piece, and it's really sad and beautiful too.

Why did you call this scale of time? I would love to know. Personally it feels to me almost like realizing many years have gone by, but your thoughts as the composer interest me a lot.

An excellent contemporary classical song.


Solacitude responds:

Wow! Mozart, I can't take this compliment, but I'm extremely flattered that my piece is inspiring you in the same kind of way as him, it's quite the comparison! He's still the king though! :)

For the title process, I find it after I finished a piece and listened to it many times. At some point it's almost like the subconscious tells me what the title should be. It's more like a discovery process than forcing myself to give a title based on a logical reason.

Scale Of Time came to me with the thought of how time is relative. Everyone experience time in a different way. There is lots of nostalgia attached to the concept too, it relates very closely to you idea, when 10 years have gone by, it seems like only 1 passed, and it reminds us of everything we missed, or could have learnt, accomplished. There is often an expression of nostalgia and melancholy with touches of hope in my pieces, maybe a reflection of my whole life is present in every pieces I put out. I'm glad I managed to express something that inspired you the same kind of vibe that I was going through when playing this one. Music is such a wonderful mean of communication!

Ugh this gave me nightmares in STD Halloween. But this is a really fun EDM track outside of that.


The passion in your vocal performance here is so strong that you matched almost every word in the lyrics with the right emotion. Even with the occasional strain in the voice I heard it's wonderful and warm!

The lyrics are also good. I like their themes and imagery despite their simplicity.

The only really bad thing is that there's a little too much autotune towards the ending, which sounds a bit annoying, but it's not enough to prevent me from giving this a 5.

Good work.


Amazing improvisation!

Most songs that use such a lower register of the piano sound horrible, but this doesn't. It actually sounds very expressive.

This feels like a nightmare that quickly shifts from one terrifying image to the next. The lower piano really evokes those images to me.

I am seriously impressed that this tune which perfectly captures the dark atmosphere of Autumn was something you, basically, improvised. You clearly have a lot of talent.

Great job!


Solacitude responds:

If it sounds horrible, it's a good thing! As in nightmarish of course :)
I was inspired by watching a bit too much of news lately, with war and all I had a hard time to create something with beauty in mind, so I've let darker inspiration take over for this one.

"Nightmare that quickly shifts from one terrifying image to the next" is also a good way to describe what the news are made of these days. I'm glad this improvisation inspired you this way, because it was exactly what I was trying to express.

Thank you very much for the kind words!


What you have made is extremely beautiful and heartbreaking. You have perfectly captured what it is like to say goodbye to someone, especially when it seems permanent. I can tell that you had some emotions you wanted to pour into this, and you did that very well.

Perhaps this is just me, but I hear a little bit of Ghibli in this music. Those lyrical melodies and emotional arpeggios and all of that.

This is definitely going in my favorites. Keep up the good work!


Solacitude responds:

It always makes me happy when my music resonates with people :)

I've been told a couple times that my music would fit in movie scenes by relatives, my brother also told me it sometimes sounds like the music in some anime he's a fan of. Maybe I should look into synchronization.

Thank you very much for the kind words!



I like the instrumentation and the lyrics are funny and cute.

Can't believe it took you 15 years to upload this here.


I know this was made 10 years ago, but I have to say it:


Your music never fails to fill me with wonder and emotion and it has for about 4 years now. This is one of my favorites from you for several reasons:

* Concept - A beautiful take on the theme of the moon, and the story you wrote for this piece is really moving. I definitely can imagine those princesses playing quite clearly when I listen.
* Instruments - This song has an amazing instrumentation, from the piano melody to the evocative chords to the fading flute at around 0:52 (so mysterious and enchanting). Also, those strings at 1:18 are absolutely epic and beautiful!
* Vocals - Your voice is so beautiful and it works perfect here, especially in the choruses. I don't know if anyone has said this, but I like the fact that there are no words in an existing language. It gives the music a very universal and otherworldly feel.
* Japan - I love this country and its culture and you really managed to make the music sound Japanese without being stereotypical.

I know a lot of this has been said before, but I still hope it does the song justice. This is beyond incredible! Keep making music like this.



RocketRace was my favorite song in the Strike Force Heroes series when I first played it and it still is. I love everything about this song, especially the breakbeats (which you did nail) and the vocals (which make it all the more lovable)!

The only complain I have is that: I don't quite get why this is called "RocketRace". Then again how much does it really matter? This song has been cool for over 10 years and it always will be.

Just call me Tin3Sn.
Contact me at RealTin3Sn@protonmail.com

Age 18, Male

Joined on 8/18/24

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